Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Is Trump Driving Women away From the GOP for Good?

On October 8, 2018 Politico Magazine wrote an article by E.J. Graff titled Is Trump Driving Women away from the GOP for Good? This article takes a deeper look into how Trump’s Election and his performance throughout his term has contributed to the shift of educated female voters. Female voters have been switching from being a Republican to either being an Independent or to join the Democratic party. This shift has been slowly accruing over the decades but President Trump’s Election and actions throughout his term have accelerated this change dramatically. Trump’s actions have proven that he has little to no respect for women and his attitude towards winning at the expense of others has turned many educated women voters away from the Republican party. Outraged with Trump’s behaviors towards women, along with many other actions made by the President, many Democratic and Independent women sprang into action. Dramatic spike in women running for office along with becoming involved in local political organizations followed Trump’s Election. The rapidly increasing number of educated women that have recently rejected their lifelong Republican identities is considered to be the breaking point for women in the GOP. This shift in women turning away from the Republican party could potential hurt the Republican Party in the long run. 

This article is a good read for anyone following Trump’s Term. It points out how his attitude and actions towards women could potentially be hurting the Republican party by losing a big portion of support from educated women for many years to come. 

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